Racine's greatest historian Eugene W. Leach spent the later years of his life gathering historical information about Racine, WI. Using the information that he had gathered, Eugene W. Leach started a manuscript detailing the early history of Racine, Wisconsin in the late 1920s, doing a final revision of it in 1932. This manuscript was never published until now. This is it!
Topics covered in this book include: First Settlement at Racine, The Pioneers, Letters of Pioneers, Letters of Atticus, Pioneer Businesses in Racine, First Roads in Southeastern Wisconsin, Early Buildings in Racine, Biographies of Some Early Pioneers, Racine Police Department, Music and Musicians in Racine, Early History of Banking in Racine, Early Agriculture in Racine County, Early Entertainement, Clubs and Societies in Racine, Hospitals, Public Parks, Racine Public Library, Root River and Its Branches in Racine, Racine Bridge History, Church History, Invention - The Telephone, Early Racine School History, Racine Elementary Schools, The Kindergarten in Racine, Vocational Schools in Racine, Racine College Founded, Roster of all Racine High School Graduates 1853 - 1903, Private and Business Schools, Early History of Racine County Schools, Evolution of Racine County.