After an unfortunate incident on STAR Station involving Lethian Leeches, unethical cloning experiments, and space pirates, the Scheliden-Theodore Company rented out STAR Station to a group of new age scientists and their families, the Children of Poseidon.
About Return to STAR Station:
In this solo or wardenless adventure for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1e, you take on the role of Cleo and Clementine, trans lesbian lovers and investigators for the Interstellar Sex Workers Union.
You have boarded STAR Station, a corporate outpost currently occupied by the cult The Children of Poseidon. You are trying to capture 5T3V3, a 200-year-old AI powered sentient robotic hand with a shady past.
Little do you know the station has been overrun by an alien presence after an encounter with a flare from the Comet Poseidon, and it has already been boarded by a rival pair of investigators from the Neoreactionary Coalition, a militant fascist group allied with the Radical Feminist Liberation Front, an anti-trans and anti-sex work political organization.
To support solo or wardenless play, this module requires the use of in addition to a copy of .
The Team:
Written by Violet Ballard
Illustrations by Evlyn Moreau